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Kamis, 14 April 2011

Cristiano Ronaldo: If It's nice to meet United in Wembley

Portugal national team players are dreaming of the ChampionsLeague final between Real Madrid and Manchester United.

April 14, 2011 20:44:00

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Cristiano Ronaldo - Real Madrid (Getty Images)
Real Madrid's star player Cristiano Ronaldo was keen to meetagain with former club Manchester United.

Ronaldo missed the meeting that it is a party meeting in the Champions League summit to be held at Wembley Stadium inMay.

If the two clubs can reach the final then it will be the first meeting forRonaldo with his former mentor Sir Alex Ferguson and his clubsince he left in 2009.

"Of course I would be very happy if I could play against Manchesterunited," said Ronaldo.

"I'm happy because I've played there for six years. But you'll seewhat happens. The road to the final party was still long."

Before sure step to the final, Madrid must first pass throughhadangan eternal rival Barcelona in the Champions Leaguesemi-final.