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Kamis, 14 April 2011

Alessandro Del Piero Iri With his colleagues at Juventus

Alessandro Del Piero insistedhimself is ready melakoni comeback when Juventus come to the headquarters of Fiorentina at the end of next week .
Black-White Team Captain who had just recovered from a thighinjury is still absent when frustrate Juve Genoa 3-2, Sunday (10 / 4).

Del Piero, who can only watch from the stands, admitted veryjealous of his colleagues who berjibaku in the field.

"I really suffered could only watch from the stands," said IlPinturicchio on his personal website.

"But my injury recovery goes according to plan and I will present toface tough away match Fiorentina."

"After the games against Genoa, I was reminded of what I said lasttime we were able to achieve three consecutive wins: Let's think about the next game."

"This is the thought of this team. It is true we have recorded threeconsecutive victories, but in fact the journey is still quite far despiteremaining in six games again this season."

"In essence, too quick to raise his head again. But one thing isimportant is the enthusiasm and confidence that haveaccompanied and must always accompany us until the end of the season."